During the time of banning popular social media platforms in Iran like Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter in Iran any digital marketing and advertising attempts might end up in failure. But According to Ilna News, Zigma8, the globally recognized advertising agency in Iran, is specialized in offering leading digital marketing and experiential marketing solutions to businesses.
Ilna News, the Iranian Labor News Agency, is one of the most significant news companies in Iran; it was established as a private-sector news agency on March 26, 2002.
Throughout an interesting and informative article on January 4, 2022, Ilna maneuvered on an essential issue in Iran. Based on sanctions, many platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are not serving Iranian marketers with their services. Iran’s government also banned some social media like Telegram for local users. Therefore, it is difficult for foreign businesses to find a digital marketing agency in Iran for collaboration. Due to all these limitations, many factors are involved in bringing success to a brand in Iran.
The article supports the fact that Zigma8, the respected Iranian branding, and advertising agency, know how, when, and where to take a business and implement marketing and advertising solutions in Iran.
Further, the article names the Zigma8 advertising agency as the leading digital marketing agency in Iran as it has recently been recognized internationally for knowing how to find its way around challenges and difficulties in Iran. Zigma8 advertising agency was listed in two categories on SuperbCompanies 2021 for the list of the top experiential marketing companies in the world.

There is also a statement from Dr. Mir Damoon Mir, Zigma8’s CCO telling Ilna about the impact of having an active presence in the world scene on customers in Iran and businesses wanting to start in Iran. To that extent, he mentioned that expanding Zigma8’s activities across the globe is an ultimate win for Iranian companies. This recognition opens Iran’s market to world experience and makes the local market known to those who are interested.
This is not the first time Zigma8 has been celebrated for its creativity and determination. The case is that Zigma8 knows the market, the consumers, and the ups and downs of society. With its highly-scored international projects, it knows how to make the best out of the situation even if there are many challenges on the way.
Zigma8 nurtures skills and talents to offer clients high-quality ideation, operation, and implementation processes. This team of experts can assist and guide national and international companies to effortlessly promote their business in Iran.
If you are about to enter Iran’s market and you are looking for top digital marketing and advertising solutions in Iran, check out Zigma8’s Works and hit us up for any information you might need.